“Datsun 510 & 240Z”
This 247 page book covers the development of the 510 & 240 from mock-up to race car. It has extensive coverage of the East African Safari which the 510 and 240z won several times. Unfortunately the text is in Japanese, but the book is loaded with nice black and white photos. ISBN4-87687-149-3
“Nostalgic Hero” magazine.
The December 1994 issue has a 4 door 1800SSS sedan on the cover. Inside there is 28 pages loaded with 510 photos. The issue has profilesof a 1600SSS coupe, a 1800SSS 4 door sedan, and a 1300 std (2 door sedan). Then there is a Bluebird owners gallery, which has 54 color photos of readers Bluebirds. It also includes an article about Bluebird racing history, no BRE stuff though. And an article about aftermarket toys for your 510. A test drive of a 1600SSS sedan, and a spec sheet showing most of the variations of the 510. And finally a 3 page pull out poster of a Bluebird coupe. The text is in Japanese, but the high quality photographs and printing make this worthwhile.
“How to Hot Rod and Race Your Datsun” by Bob Waar.
Covers 510, 610, 710, 200SX, 240Z, 260Z and 280Z. Contains info on engine building, tuning, road racing, handling, suspension, bolt on power, etc.
“The Stainless Steel Carrot”, Sylvian Wilkinson, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, MA, ISBN 0-395-17222-5.
Chronicles the development of John Morton from his early years of racing to joing Pete Brock and becoming the Trans-Am 2.5 champion. Mainly concentrates on the 1971 and 1972 racing seasons with BRE.
“Turbochargers” by Roy Macinnes HP books
Excellent general purpose turbocharging book. covers all topics. Touches on Z-cars. Updated Frequently.
“Super Power” – A Do-it-yourself Guide to Turbocharging, Supercharging, Fuel injection and Nitrous Oxide” Pub. by. S-A Design Publishing Co.
Very good book on the above subjects. Aimed primarily at Detroit Iron, though there is some small engine information. Extensive coverage ofNitrous Oxide.
“How to Modify Datsun 510, 610, 240Z Engines and Chassis” HP Books
Probably out of print now but worth the effort to get. Covers all aspects of modifying a Z car or sedans for autocross, IMSA and other road-type racing. Known as “The Bible”.
“Electronic Fuel Injection”
Internal Nissan training text from the National Technical Training Center. This book is almost impossible to get but is absolutely vital for those working on Bosch L-jetronic injection systems. This book provides very in-depth coverage of the design, operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting concepts for the L-jetronic systems as installed in 280Zs in the 1975-79 timeframe. This book was designed for use in factory mechanic training courses. Well worth the trouble to get.
“Tuning SU Carburators” 2nd edition, 1972. SpeedSport Motorbooks (Interato Book Company, LTD) Bercourt House, York Road, Brentford Middx., TW8 OQP, England. isbn 85113-017-8.
This book, again probably out of print, covers the SU carburator in more excrutiating detail than anyone could stand. Though aimed at British versions of the Carburator, it matches well with the SUs installed in the 69-72 240Z. Contains all the arcane data regarding needle, jet, piston and body selection. Particularly if you need to machine your own metering needles, the book is invaluable for it’s detailed dimentions of all available needles.
“Metal Fabricator’s Handbook” HP books.
This book contains all you’d ever need to know about fabricating automotive metal. Especially handy for 510 modifications is the section on hand-fabricating body parts. ISBN 0-89586-171-2
“Sheetmetal Fabricator’s handbook” HP Books
Same author as above. Excellent book for custom fabrication of sheetmetal body parts. ISBN 0-89586-757-5
“Mitchell’s Electronic Fuel Injection Troubleshooting Guide” Domestic vehicles. Fisher Books.
This book covers in great detail the fuel injection systems installed on late model American made vehicles. It is useful to the FI hacker because domestic components tend to be larger and cheaper than foreign ones. This is important for the roll-your-own people in the group. ISBN 1-55561-032-3
“Mitchell’s Electronic Fuel Injection Troubleshooting Guide” Import vehicles. ISBN 1-55561-031-5
“Auto Math Handbook” John Lawlor. HP Books. A good book of basic formulae used to calculate parameters concerning engines, chassis, 1/4mile performance and so on. Recommended even for advanced mechanics. ISBN 1-55788-020-4