Lotus Elise Transmission Shifter Fix

girl shifting her lotus elise

Here is a simple  parts list for fixing the Elise shifter flex.

For the Sands mod (first published back in 2006) follow their install instructions / photos included.  If you only do one modification, this is the one to do.

Purchased at Ace Hardware: cost $2.19
Bronze bushing
made by Jandorf
part# 90770
I.D 1/2″
O.D 11/16″
L 1 1/8″

Bolt needed: (same tread size as bolts holding down seat, just different length), also get a nice flat washer as well and use lock-tite

Bolt: M8 x 50 / 1.25 pitch

For the Sector 111 mod, i did not drill out the drivers side hole as i did not feel it was needed (and one less hole in the car) I however drilled out the passenger side which was empty and inserted a bolt up from the bottom of the car with a 2″ washer (stainless with silicone) and put a self locking nut on top.


These updates really make a difference strengthening up the shifter plate.

3 thoughts on “Lotus Elise Transmission Shifter Fix

  1. VinZ


    curious what this mod does and what it’s for. Links don’t work, unfortunately.



  2. gsmith Post author

    The links are working, they will take you to two sites that outline how to beef up the Lotus Elise shifting. It makes a big difference in shift feel, worth the effort!

  3. Brittney Brooks

    I love the photo with the female driver ! The shift mod must make a real difference for the female driver in the photo because she is comfortable driving the Lotus Elise with the pretty pink high heels. I’m sending a link to a female friend of mine. She let me film her driving her Lotus Elise for my video blog website. She refused to drive it with her high heels she took them off and drove barefoot. Her reasoning for this was she had better control of the car driving it barefoot apposed to driving it with high heels on. I think it was all in her head but i’m going to refer her to the mod.

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