6/1/2008 Refocus on Alternative Energy and Energy Independence 1/1/2008 Relaunch Z-Car.com 5/20/97 Added new domain name www.z-car.com 9/2/96 SCCA Double MARRS race at Summit Point 9/2/96 8/31/96 Steve’s new 1966 Porsche 911. 8/16/96 Latest…
Entering Turn 10 after passing under the bridge. Watch out for that spot-a-pot. Right in the groove. Looks like I hit it pretty well this lap. Just touching the apex…
Coming through Turn 5. Short stretch between Turn 5 and Turn 6. At the turn-in for Turn 9. Going through Turn 8, wishing that Volvo was not in my way.…
This is the Formula group (CF,FF) heading between Turn 2 and Turn 3. Not sure who is in front, but the second car is Pete Cage’s Number 00. Rob Troxell’s…